Thursday 24 October 2013

20 Home Remedies For Hair Care In Men

Few common hair problems of men are Frizzy, brittle, hair loss, improper hair growth and oily scalps. As female have some homemade remedies for hair care similarly there are some tips for men hair also. These remedies are better than the medicines if applied properly.

We have 20 home made remedies for hair care, hope so it help you in hair problems.

Oil massage:  oil massage is one of the best and oldest homemade remedies for hair problem, but the selection of oil for hair massage is important. Must select oil such as almond, Olive and coconut, they nourished your hair and improve the growth of hair and remove dandruff also.

Oil Massage - reviva Clionic

Coconut Milk: It helps in making your hair silky and soft and also nourishes your hair, which increase your hair growth.
Coconut Oil - Reviva Clinic

Aloe Vera: Twice a week, use of aloe vera gel for your hair gives sheen or strengthens. It also prevents hair loss, repair dry hair and infected scalp.

Aloe Vera - Reviva Clinic

Neem Paste: Neem paste balance the alkaline level of the scalp and prevent hair fall. In the Neem paste add honey and olive oil for better results.


Egg: For strong and thick hair must go through protein treatment in which use egg, beat it and apply it to the wet hair and wash after 15-20 min. Repeat twice or thrice a week.
Raw Egg For Hair Treatment - Reviva Clinic

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